Long 30-40"HD Lace Wigs
32 products
🔥Tax Refund Super Sale! ⏰ 26'' Ready To Wear 5x5 Wig = $119.99
30"13X6 Lace Wig =$189
32 products
Limited selection:Physical stores may have a more limited selection of wigs compared to online retailers. Higher Prices: Wigs sold in brick-and-mortar stores often come with higher price tags due to overhead costs. Thus, if you are on a budget, you may find more affordable options online.
The best wigs will have a natural shine and should fit on your head securely, so it imitates real human hair. Investing in a natural-looking wig is a great confidence booster, and will act as a comfortable yet stylish solution to hair loss, helping you regain your confidence and style.
The difference between a 13x4 and a 13x6 is how much more lace is going towards the back of the head. A 13x4 only goes back 4 inches while a 13x6 does back 2 more inches.The 13x6 will give a more natural look than the 13x4. The 13x4 will be cheaper than the 13x6 because of the fact it has more lace on it.
With modern advances in wig construction,if you wear a wig properly, it is highly unlikely to fall off. However, your chances of losing your wig increase if you're wearing the incorrect size.
Thin, yet durable,Swiss lace is a great choice. Most hair companies use swiss lace in front lace wigs because it is thicker, but still gives a very natural hairline. This natural and durable lace easily matches your complexion. These two features make swiss lace a superb choice to use in a lace wig cap construction.