Human Hair Wig
Sometimes a person might have trouble getting their Human Hair wig to stay on their head properly throughout the entire time that it is being worn. This is especially true if the person is very active and moves their head around a lot. There are several things that can be done to help keep the Human Hair wig where it belongs. Transparent wig tape can be used on the underside of the wig cap to give additional hold. This type of tape is good for people that have tender skin that is irritated by some adhesives. If it is slipping because there is not enough of a tab to stick to the transparent tape, the person can sew in a special tape attachment along the base of the Human Hair wig. If tape is a problem, the person that is wearing the Human Hair wig could try using a gel band. These special bands are simply placed on the head so that the perimeter of the wig fits right on top. The texture of the gel band causes the Human Hair wig to stick in place and it will no longer slide or shift out of place whenever the wearer does a lot of moving around of their head.

The gel band it will be on the underside of your Human Hair wig, but you might still prefer to u is lightweight and comfortable to wear. It is thin enough that it will not cause the edge of the Human Hair wig to rise too far from the scalp and allow people to see that it is natural hair. If the Human Hair wig is irritating a person's sensitive scalp, a wig cap can be used. Instead of buying a wig cap, the wearer can do something as simple as lining the Human Hair wig with a properly shaped piece of t-shirt material as a barrier between the Human Hair wig and their head.Changing The Size Of A Human Hair Wig Although it might be hard for you to believe, it is actually possible for you to change the size of your Human Hair wig in your own home. If you have a Human Hair wig that is too large to fit snug on your head, it can be altered in a similar manner to altering a dress, but you will need to be careful that you do not accidentally cut the actual hair fibers of the Human Hair wig and ruin it. All that you will need is a small pair of sharp scissors, a regular sewing needle, and a spool of thread. Your stitching will not show becausese a color of thread that blends well with the color of the Human Hair hair fibers. To begin, you should put the brazilian hair on your head properly and pinch it together to see how much you will need to alter it in order for it to fit snug.

Then, you need to turn your Human Hair wig inside out. Your alterations will be made below both of the ear tabs so that it is easier to keep the hair fibers looking evenly distributed on your Human Hair wig. You want to divide the total amount that needs to be taken in so that you do it equally on both sides of the Human Hair wig. There are two different methods that will make the Human Hair wig fit more snug. The first one involves using the scissors to cut a weft or several wefts out of each side of the Human Hair wig. You need to use the scissors to cut through the elastic all of the way along the sides of the weft or wefts that you are removing. Be sure that you leave enough of the remaining elastic sticking out on so that you can use it to sew together the hole where the weft or wefts were removed. Sewing each end of elastic to the piece across from it will complete the process of making the Human Hair wig smaller. Removing too many wefts from your Human Hair wig might make the hair style look a little too thin. It is still too short to do some things, but I am not willing to continue to wear my body wave hair until my hair has grown back to its former length Human Hair wig.
More Details, Visit Allove Hair
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