How long do human hair wig last
Human Hair Wigs are now very popular among women because they give an impressive and gorgeous appearance. For the perfect, and glamorous look nothing can beat a human hair wig. Wigs can help to cover hair fall, hair loss, and other skin problems or to just rediscover your look. As virgin human hair wigs have become an important investment, the longevity of human hair wigs has become an important issue. With proper care and tips, human hair wigs can last up to a couple of years. In this article, we will discuss that “How long Do Human Hair Wigs Last and Some Facts That Affect The Longevity Of Wigs”
Wigs Type:
Many types of human hair wigs are available in the market. The most popular ones are human hair headband wigs, human hair lace front wigs, human hair lace closure wigs, human hair lace part wig ,human hair short bob wigs, human hair 613 lace wigs.Lace front wigs are the most popular wigs in the market. Full lace human hair wigs with proper can last very long. It has good resiliency and good flexibility. With proper care, full lace wigs can last a couple of years. Full lace human hair wigs are usually fully stitched by hand, causing natural hair loss during the wearing. But this is a normal process.

Length Of Wigs:
Human hair wigs can be found in different lengths. Usually, short hair wigs tend to last longer than long wigs. That is because long hair wigs create more friction and breakage of split ends. So, extra care is a must for long hair wigs. Because of this reason short wigs, short bob lace wigs are popular wig choices among women.
The texture of Wigs:
Simple and short wigs with straight or body wave wigs can last relatively longer than most of the wigs available in the market. Curly wigs and wigs with curls require special treatment. It damages the hair quality and longevity. For more compact curls, a higher treatment is required. It can damage the potential lifespan of the wigs.
Human Hair Colors:
Natural black wigs tend to last longer than any other wigs in the market as it requires very less processing. Whereas blonde, honey blonde, 99J burgundy, colored wigs tend to last shorter than black and straight human hair wigs. It is because colored wigs require extensive chemical processing. But with proper care and maintenance colored and curly wigs can last a long time.

Uses Cycle:
The lifespan of the wigs mainly depends on how many times the wigs are worn. If you want to use your wigs daily then try to buy two wigs and use them one after another in a rotating Cycle. The more you wear a wig, the less time it will last. Make sure you wear a wig on special occasions for longevity.
These Steps can ensure and enhance the lifespan of your wig:
Proper Storing of Wigs: Wigs are Expensive items that require proper storage. Human hair wigs should be kept in a wig stand after use. Human hair wigs should be placed away from sunlight, heat, and water. A Wig box and a wig stand should be used if you want to travel with your wig. This ensures the proper shape and size of the wig while on a journey.
Washing and Conditioning of Wigs: First, gently remove any tangles from your hair products. Always use a mild shampoo or one specifically formulated for chemically treated hair. Do not soak. soaking can form the hair to tangle. Once the hair is thoroughly wet, apply a small amount of shampoo; Run the hair under light warm water. Gently work the shampoo into the hair, stroking downwards from the top to the ends. Never twist, scrub, or rub the hair. While wet, gently comb the hair to remove tangles. Hang to normal air for air dry or use a blow dryer on limited heat.
Follow these steps for all the wigs you own. This conditioning and cleaning process is very essential for preserving the wig for the long term.
Prevent Tangles:Tangles damage natural hair strands and reduce the natural glow of the wig. So, It is very essential to reduce tangles as much as possible. Occasionally the thinner hair usually tangles which is very normal. To reduce the tangles proper brushing after uses are very important. Also, oiling must be done after using the wig. These wigs don't receive natural oil from the head. So, oiling and brushing are very important for wigs as they tend to last longer with care.
These were the tips for ensuring the longevity of your wigs.
Always prefer 100% virgin Human Hair Wigs for the best result as they give the most natural look. Wigs human hair may cost a little more but it serves its purpose well in long term.
More Details, Visit Allove Hair
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